Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lee Bright - ready and willing

The General Assembly of South Carolina and all of the other red-state legislatures  are controlled by outside special interests in the form of right-wing foundations, think tanks and/or extremist ideologue Internet websites. All are mostly financed by corporate millionaires and billionaires. Here is a stark local example of one of their ever-reliable elected officials following their orders. I refer to South Carolina District 12 State Senator, Lee Bright.

A February Spartanburg Herald Journal front page article on Senator Bright’s Joint Resolution, S.500 that upon passage would direct  the legislature to provide for a joint subcommittee to study whether the state should adopt it’s own currency is proof-positive that Bright and his Republican colleagues in the State General Assembly are little more than knee-jerk political proxies for the aforementioned power boys.

Bright did not author the bill he sponsored. Not a single word. If you’ll compare the Virginia House of Delegates Joint Resolution 557, introduced roughly 3 weeks before S.500, you’ll note that the wording is identical with the exception of a couple of cases cited in the Virginia legislation and the logistics of putting the subcommittee together. Otherwise, every section of both resolutions is worded exactly the same. There is obviously a template being distributed throughout red state legislatures. The creators of this template needed only to find a malleable republican legislator willing to do their bidding of introducing the template as a joint resolution.

Bright is their guy in South Carolina. It is clear that the Roebuck Senator does not represent the people, but the latest think tank/corporate attempts to undermine the federal government. In this case pushing legislation specifically forbidden by the U.S. Constitution; Article 1, section 10.

 My guess is the South Carolina Policy Council, quite possibly taking its cues from the State Policy Council, an arm of the corporate-sponsored American Legislative Exchange Council, funneled the resolution into Bright’s office. Or it could certainly have been pushed by Ron Paul's posse of Libertarians.

 To track the SCPC pathway, go to (you’ll need both pdf’s), after that, enter for a list of 125 corporate sugar daddies who represent the most powerful of special interests…multi-national corporations; most especially in the fields of banking, oil, pharmaceuticals and insurance.

In the interest of transparency, if not the SCPC or Paul, tell us who gave you the template, Senator Bright!!! 

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