Friday, June 10, 2011

Response to homophobic 'comic' Morgan

It will never be my intention to over-post on this blog site. I find people who constantly do this to be quite annoying. However, I have just become aware of the following rant from '30 Rock' cast member, Tracy Morgan...a rant that demands immediate condemnation. Here is an edited version of the story as reported by entertainment site, TMZ: (highlights mine)

"30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan is under some very serious fire this morning -- after reportedly spewing some disgusting homophobic "jokes" during a performance in Nashville last week According to reports, Morgan took the stage at the Ryman Auditorium and went off about gays -- saying, "Gays need to quit being p**sies and not be whining about something as insignificant as bullying."

He added, "Gay is something that kids learn from the media and programming."

When talking about the possibility of his son being gay -- Tracy said he "better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I'll pull out a knife and stab that little n**ger to death."

Blogger Note...These statements are followed by several profoundly obscene lines. I will not even hint of their content as young people may be reading this posting. 

After the performance, the Ryman Auditorium issued a statement on the performance saying, "The Ryman Auditorium regrets that people were offended by statements made by Tracy Morgan during his June 3 appearance."

The statement continues, "The Ryman does not control the content presented by people appearing on its stage, nor does it endorse any of the views of, or statements made by, such persons."

It's not the first time Morgan has ignited controversy over homphobic material -- back in 2009, a bunch of people reportedly walked out of his show at Carnegie Hall after he said being gay was a "choice."

I've read some early reports that have Morgan ostensibly apologizing claiming "I'm not a hateful person." That's not even remotely true or acceptable. The threat to stab his son (description above) to death if he talked in a 'gay' voice is beyond forgiveness on many fronts.  This is the most deep-seated overt expression of unbridled hate of gays that I have ever heard.

Republican "social conservatives", through their relentless attacks on all manner of gay rights, have constitutionally perpetuated their unrelenting disdain of homosexuals in a vast majority of state legislatures giving bigots like Morgan free reign to rip gays at every turn under every circumstance.

Tina Fey and Lorne Michaels are both Executive Producers of 30 Rock. Their respective offices and NBC should hear of your disgust over Morgan's actions. Morgan's behavior is unacceptable. Democrats must push back in the strongest possible civil terms. We haven't done nearly enough to protect the rights of all American citizens. That's why the likes of Republicans and comics feel no compunctions about running roughshod over the gay population. 

As for Morgan's future?  Not to worry; he can always go to work for the Santorum campaign.  

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